Response e-health is committed to serve the community through high quality healthcare services.
Services on offer:
• Healthcare ATL: we work with development agencies to carry out wide scale, nationwide, implementation of vaccination, hand washing campaign and Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) to underserved communities
• BCC in schools: we offer public and private schools BCC intervention for its students and teachers. We believe in the wake of the pandemic, certain gestures and instinctive and untrained behavior of ours can lead to serious health consequences. Therefore, children from an early age if are trained to avoid health risks can greatly benefit the growing individual and his or her surrounding, positively.
• Volunteerism: (can be considered to be added once we get to do some volunteer activities)
• Facility assessment: we provide full services of healthcare facility assessment, for public and private health institutes. This assessment is a necessary step for the health institute to provide high quality service to their patients.
• Data entry training: in diagnostics and healthcare centers and hospitals, lot of patients visit and it is important to store their conditions as data. We provide training to such data entry personnel through which the healthcare institute can have vital research information, that will have benefits in terms of their sustainability as a provider.
• To corporates: providing 30 degree healthcare services to your employees countrywide. We have presence in (mention total # of thanas response is active in), therefore, any ill employee of our partner companies can call this person and ask for immediate medical intervention
• Healthcare related CSR of corporates: we will be your implementer of CSR projects related to health and hygiene. This could in the range of setting up pure drinking water plant for communities where clean water is scarce and people spend hours every day fetching it, losing time for income and household chores.
• Healthcare facilities for RMG workers: we are committed to offer a full range solution and management for RMG workers inside the factory premises. We offer services like auto fever measurer, full time health specialist (paramedics / nurses / doctors), medicine, 24 hour ambulance service and linkage with nearest health care center.